Program Description

Young children learn through their senses. Children will have undisturbed "work" time in the morning where they will be exposed to age appropriate materials that will allow them to explore different senses, practical life exercises, math, language, and culture. Our mixed age classroom will foster social skills. Children will learn to share, wait for their turn or choose another work with only limited quantity of each education material.  Children will also be exposed to drama/story time, art, music, science, geography and sensory integration throughout their weekly schedule.

Practical Life Children learn freely on how to button their shirt, tie their shoes, clean the house and other activities. Good manners are also emphasized and children learn to say "please" and "thank you."

Sensorial Building imaginations with sensorial materials teaches children to use their sense of touch, feeling, taste, sight and smell as a key to the basic understanding of reality.

MATH Children learn to perform counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division exercises by using and handling Montessori mathematical materials such as rods, beads, spindles, cubes, cards and counters, etc. This also teaches them to visualize the whole structure of our numerical system.

ENGLISH LANGUAGE Children trace letter shapes, listen to the sounds, play word games and learn to read by matching up words and pictures through phonetics and word building. Reading and writing are keys to help synthesize their knowledge of English language.

Drama/story time Enhance children’s language skills, role play, and boost their self confidence

Art Enhance hand eye coordination, sensorial experiences through repetition of activities such as cutting, collage, stamp, finger painting, drawing, gluing. Children will be allowed to create beyond their imagination. 

Music-Increase understanding and enjoyment of music and expand ability to express themselves

Science children are introduced to science in different ways. Classification plays a huge role in a child's first exposure to science concepts such as, living/non-living, plants/ animal. They will also be introduced to botany where they learn parts of tree and flower. Zoology will also be introduced.  They will learn to differentiate reptiles, mammals, fish, amphibians and birds.

Geography children will be introduced to the globe, continents, ocean, land formation and world map.

Sensory Integration- stimulates development of small/big muscle groups.  Human brain development needs constant stimulation through senses.  Sensory integration activities will not only help your child grow stronger physically but also stimulate their brain development.